Now that Avery has started school a couple days a week, Emerson and I have special one-on-one time together that I cherish! Now I can follow her around with the camera (Avery LOVES the camera lately and constantly wants to "pose"), this morning we went walking and fed the ducks and just sat in the chair and read books together (which is by far her favorite past-time these days). I really cherish this time with Em because when you just have one child, you get to do everything together. Avery and I took all kinds of classes, played and played together... etc. When the second child comes, you're so busy with both of them that you have to really "make" time for them individually, it just doesn't happen as naturally, for me it didn't at least. Emerson has not lacked individual time with me or Mark, but I always get around to feeling guilty about the time I provide for both of them individually. Just a "mommy thing", I guess.

I love you Emmy-lou! xoxoxo
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