Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where's My Big Sister?

Now that Avery has started school a couple days a week, Emerson and I have special one-on-one time together that I cherish! Now I can follow her around with the camera (Avery LOVES the camera lately and constantly wants to "pose"), this morning we went walking and fed the ducks and just sat in the chair and read books together (which is by far her favorite past-time these days). I really cherish this time with Em because when you just have one child, you get to do everything together. Avery and I took all kinds of classes, played and played together... etc. When the second child comes, you're so busy with both of them that you have to really "make" time for them individually, it just doesn't happen as naturally, for me it didn't at least. Emerson has not lacked individual time with me or Mark, but I always get around to feeling guilty about the time I provide for both of them individually. Just a "mommy thing", I guess.

Playing in the pool... first time I've gotten all of her hair into one ponytail...sooo adoreable!

I love you Emmy-lou! xoxoxo

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Avery's First Day of Preschool!

Yep! You read that right!! Today was Avery's first day of Preschool! She woke up very excited and ready to go this morning. And of course I wouldn't have it any other way! We're so proud of Avery! She's a strong, confident, caring girl. My heart is heavy for one reason: I cannot believe how fast three years flew by... I remember holding her in my arms for the first time after she was born, just like it was yesterday and today here she is off to preschool!

Proudly wearing her backpack that she picked out on her own. Yes, it's too small for her folder, but I just didn't have the heart to tell her it wasn't quite big enough. She LOVES it! Super excited to go! Avery immediately found her name, hung up her backpack, put her lunch away and sat right down in front at the teacher's feet to listen to the read-aloud! She's AMAZING!!On Tuesday evening, Avery and I attended her school's Open House. There was a bouncy house to play in (definitely the hit!), the Tumblebus was there, and pony rides too! I just love her school... they are all about the kiddos!!

Taking a break to pose for a picture inside the bouncy house
Climbing... (This is her, "Mom, I know you're excited for me but just let me do my thing" smile)Tire swingProudly riding the pony. Before she got on she said, "Mom, I don't like that farmer..." Hahaha... but she warmed up to him really fast after he started being silly with her.

Happy 1st Day Avery Elizabeth!! We are so proud of you!!
