OK... so here goes! :) I've been away too long post everything that's gone on in our lives the last month... but here it is in a nutshell... a very small nutshell!
Christmas was wonderful at our house! Santa brought Avery a Thomas the Tank Engine Railway and a play kitchen!
Christmas was wonderful at our house! Santa brought Avery a Thomas the Tank Engine Railway and a play kitchen!

Santa brought new clothes, books and rattles for Emerson. Mommy got an awesome gift from daddy that she totally wasn't expecting... a Nintendo DS! All I can say is I'M LOVING IT! (And no, that's not one of the reasons I've been neglecting the blog.) :)
And here's the newest member of our family...

No, the girls did not get a puppy for Christmas! My husband would have a heart-attack before that happened... so would our cats! But I guess they kind of did get a puppy - according to my brother. He got a mini-doxen and named him Jordie, after Michael Jordan. He is soooooo precious as you can see and such a good boy! My brother got him "so the girls could have him" he said, but he lives with Uncle Brian! :):)
Miss Emerson Paige turned 5 months on January 13th:

One of Avery's favorite thigs to do is play the Wii with Daddy! She loves to watch us bowl and here she is shreddin' it up with daddy on his favorite game: Guitar Hero!!

She loves posing for the camera lately too!

There it is! Promise I won't stay gone for that long again! :):)
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