Friday, January 30, 2009
Random... just trying not to get behind again! :)

Posted by Jennifer at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family Fun, Playing, Sisters
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Catchin' Up!
Christmas was wonderful at our house! Santa brought Avery a Thomas the Tank Engine Railway and a play kitchen!

No, the girls did not get a puppy for Christmas! My husband would have a heart-attack before that happened... so would our cats! But I guess they kind of did get a puppy - according to my brother. He got a mini-doxen and named him Jordie, after Michael Jordan. He is soooooo precious as you can see and such a good boy! My brother got him "so the girls could have him" he said, but he lives with Uncle Brian! :):)
Miss Emerson Paige turned 5 months on January 13th:

One of Avery's favorite thigs to do is play the Wii with Daddy! She loves to watch us bowl and here she is shreddin' it up with daddy on his favorite game: Guitar Hero!!

There it is! Promise I won't stay gone for that long again! :):)
Posted by Jennifer at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Busy, Family, Family Fun, Kiddos, Playing
What a BAD, BAD girl!
Where the heck have I been? I can't really blame my crazy life on the holidays anymore... darn! :) But believe it or not, I have been busy! My girls have sure kept me on my toes these days! Stay tuned... working on some posts!
Posted by Jennifer at 12:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: Busy