Yep, that's right! She's 4 months old! We are so in love with her and everyday just gets better and better! Emerson is proving to be nothing like her big sister was when she was a baby. :) And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love how my two girls have such different personalities and quirks (yet they also have some striking similarities)! Em is very much a mama's girl (so was Avery)! She never lets me out of her sight and if she can't see me, she yells for me - not crying, but literally yelling at me...like how dare I leave her sight! Pretty cute! She loves to be held... ALL THE TIME! She'd rather not be left to play on the floor, or in her bouncy chair, or anything for that matter unless Avery is actively playing with her.

Emerson Paige is currently in L-O-V-E love with her piggies!! The second you lay her down, up go her feet and straight into her mouth. She is constantly grabbing her feet and trying so hard to get as much of them as she can into her mouth. So cute!!! It's funny, cause since she was a tiny baby, she's always loved having her socks taken off and her feet played with. She's in 7th heaven now cause she can play with her feet all by herself!! Em's also a lover! She loves to be kissed on and googled over! Ha ha... what girl doesn't? If you kiss her yummy cheeks, she turns her head right into you to get some more. I absolutely love that! If you put your face down by her she'll grab your head and try to eat you... I like to think she's just returning all the kisses we shower on her. I see a lot of my sister's personality coming through in Emerson. She's going to be a very confident, vocal, loving girl!

Avery is still in love with Em. I feel so blessed; we can just tell these two are already so close and love each other so much! Nothing brings me more joy than watching the two of them play together. I say play, but I guess it's more like interact. Emerson can hardly wait to go after Avery. Whenever Avery is playing and Em watches her, she kicks and squirms like crazy... boy is Avery in for it! :) Emerson is happy just to gaze at Avery all day. Avery wants to do everything for Em and she's really a good helper. Avery helps give Emerson her bottle, puts powder on her bum when we change her, puts the bink back into Em's mouth if she loses it, and loves to help bathe Em. These two girls are truly the loves of my life. We're still working out her tummy troubles (she gets that from her daddy)! Just recently we had to switch her formula again. She's taking a Hypoallergenic type and it seems to be helping her tremendously!
Happy 4 Months Emmy-Ems, we love you like crazy!!
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