...she just happened to be sleeping through the whole ordeal. She got to miss out on the clean-up! :) This day is very special to us. Mark works hard and is the best Daddy myself and these girls could ever ask for! Yes, I was crazy in love with him when we got married; floating on a cloud that day three years ago. We had a baby 10 months later and another 2 years after that. Life at our house is pretty wild, tiring, chaotic, wonderful, beautiful and all those things. Sometimes we have hard days, but at the end of the day, I'm constantly reminded why I married him three years ago, or even fell in love with him seven years ago. He is perfect. Perfect for me, that is. He is my rock. He makes my tough times better, yet he doesn't always know it. He completes me. He is my girl's Daddy and I find that so sexy! ;) He's the best Daddy. I always knew he would be good, but I never knew he'd be this good.
Happy Birthday Mark/Daddy! We love you so much!
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