...to make the changes I wanted to my blog! I started last night and just now finished! But hey, the girls are sleeping, I'm enjoying a glass of red wine, there's no noise whatsoever but the hum of the computer... needless to say, I'm very happy right now. (I really like my new banner!) ;) My girls and I were gone all last week to my parent's house in Eastern WA with my sister and her boyfriend who were visiting from Florida and now I'm trying to play 'catch-up'. It was well-worth the craziness I'm feeling right now though. My sister is beautiful and I savor every moment I get to spend with her when she's home. Avery warmed right up to her aunty and I took pictures all week of the two of them! Here's just a few from our week at Alta:

Avery eating HUGE blackberries at the fruit stand my mom works at. She couldn't get enough of these suckers! Look at that blackberry covered smoocher... I could eat her up!!
Emerson, who is one month old already (!!!) being snuggled by her Grammy. My mom and dad came to stay with us for a few days after Emerson was born. It was so sad for me when they had to go back to Alta when Emerson was 3 days old. My mom hadn't seen her since then and had tears in her eyes when I was snapping these photos. My mom and dad absolutely adore their two grand-daughters. I love how much they love them!
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