...to get more pictures posted these days. I'm just not getting the computer time I was used to getting before someone came along!! ;) That little someone is 2 weeks old now!! Can you believe it?? Where does the time go? I'm having fun photographing Emerson now... at first I was aprehensive... didn't want to break her, upset her, wake her... and so on. Now, not so much. :) Here's an official 2 week picture:

She is so beautiful. Her full head of dark hair blows my mind... I'm so in love with this little girl!
I'm also in love with this little girl:

I never thought I'd see the day where she'd actually eat a sandwich!! (I've been trying for so long to get her to eat a sandwich~now she can't get enough of them!)
And a tribute to Uncle Rob before I sign off:

This year, Avery's Uncle Rob played in the U.S. Open (this is a BIG accomplishment!!) and her Daddy caddied for him. Uncle Rob signed a pink hat for Avery which Mark brought home for her and although she refused to wear a hat, she adores this hat... sleeps with it most of the time. Well today, Em was napping on Avery's bed while Avery and I were cleaning and organizing her bedroom and Avery thought Emerson should get to wear it too! Super cute!!
I love my girls!!!
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