Thursday, November 15, 2007

10 Days...

Avery laying on the bottom step while my mom rubbed her back the other night

...of Avery being sick. My last post I had said I thought she was getting better. NOPE! Now she's getting better. We finally found out she has a viral infection in her mouth. Long story short: by last Friday she was dehydrated so we went back to the Dr., he prescribed Tylenol with Codeine, we got a little relief, added Motrin in between (Dr.'s orders) and slowly but surely she's eating and drinking more each day. But what a rough 10 days! She's finally back to sleeping through the night and taking normal naps and that sure helps! Today was a pretty good day. Avery played while she was awake and ate yogurt, cheese and chocolate pudding!! Definitely making progress!!!
In other exciting news... I've got another photo session lined up for Monday and another the following weekend for my very wonderful friend! I'm very excited and looking forward to getting out of the house too now that Avery is feeling a lot better! Stay tuned... Normal posting will resume as Avery's health improves! And thank you to our friends and family who prayed for Avery during this awful time! Someone must have been listening... :):)