In other exciting news, Avery is FINALLY taking her first steps. She can take about 6-8 at a time. We are so happy and excited. She's not to the point where she's walking to get from point A to point B, but she's toying with it more and more. She'll walk to get a toy if she's already standing and it's pretty close to her. Avery and Daddy have a game they play that really gets her walking. He pushes the ottoman far away from the couch and puts her toy piggy bank on it. He puts the coins to the bank on the couch. Avery takes a coin and walks it (about 6-7 steps) to the bank and puts it in. It is soooo cute. After she does it she screeches with delight and you can tell she's sooooo proud of herself! I don't have any shots of this yet... but I'm working on it.
This weekend, Avery and I went to Eastern WA with my mom. A girls weekend! My mom and I got a lot of scrapbooking done which was nice. The weather is cooling off over there, but it's still blue skies and sunny every morning when you wake up. On our way home, we stopped at a fruit stand and they really decorate their grounds beautifully every season. Avery had a great time playing on the pumpkins! I cannot wait to take her to the pumpkin farm in a few weeks!!! Enjoy....

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