...a second post in one day. Oh well. Yesterday during the golf tournament I caught some sweet shots of Avery playing on the golf course. So..... I have to post them! :)

Even still...at almost 15 months old, I can't get over how beautiful she is! (That's her daddy's nose at the left edge of the photo...I didn't frame the pic. very well)

I love this picture of Avery and her Papa, my dad. Right now she has an incredible fascination with rocks. I'm not a careless mommy, I don't let her put everything into her mouth... but I tell you, this girl finds a rock and nothing else matters. It's pretty cute!

I love this shot too! Avery was playing in a bunker on the golf course. The sand is so white and so fine. She kept grabbing a handful and letting it just fall through her fingers and onto her leg~over and over and over again. It was very precious!
Ok... moving on... today Mark and I and Avery's Grammy took her to the fair! I couldn't get a lot of good shots. There was so much going on and sooooo many people, but luckily I caught a few. Here's Avery petting a calf for the first time (not to mention her first time being so close to one and you can really see how surprised she was)!!
The calf was so sweet, I have to say. :)
And last... here's one of Daddy and Avery being silly:
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