We took Avery to the beach today before dinner. And, since I never leave home without it... :) I got some very cute pictures of Avery. I know, I know... this blog is basically all pictures of Avery. I'm the most doting mom, I could brag about her all day... So here they are!

I'm speechless!

Yeah... another picture of my bug and I! I'm not kidding, I absolutey treasure these. They come few and far between! Thank you, Daddy! I love how we're not paying attention to the camera! Avery's mouth is dark because she almost decided to have a handful of sand for dinner... luckily we got most of it away from her in time!
Even though I like to keep "beach" pictures in color, this one just SCREAMED black and white to me! She finally figured out the sand she was throwing around was mostly landing in her hair! (Should've seen the bathtub tonight after washing it all out...ha ha ha!)
OK, that's it for tonight. Now onto business.... I am really hoping to get some constructive criticism regarding my photos. I created this blog to help me see my growth in taking photos over time and I'm really seeing some myself! But I don't know what other's look for in photos, just what I like... so any pointers, constructive criticism, comments would be greatly appreciated! I plan on working on my website all winter long to get this business up and running by next summer/fall! Thank you in advance for anything a "more trained" eye could tell me!!!