Yesterday was such a beautiful day at our house! I decided to pack us up and head to the park. Among the goodies we took with us included snacks, juice, and of course, my camera! In the course of an hour I snapped 67 pictures of my little bugaboo playing, swinging, crawling around around..... etc. I absolutely love shooting outdoors because the light is sooooo beautiful and the colors are so true, but at the same time, the light really throws me off. I feel like when I'm looking through my lens at my subject it looks perfect. But when I get home and put the pics. on the computers all I have are pictures with shadows on faces and it drives me nuts. Here' s a few of what I took yesterday:
I absolutely LOVE this shot of Avery, but in order to avoid the shadows that were ending up on her face in the shots I took before this one, I used my flash which was obviously too much light. (I may be biased, but isn't she just ridiculously adorable?) :)
Loving this shot too, but you can see the shadows on her face that I'm talking about. Grrrrr.... I feel like they ruin a perfectly sweet picture!
Now that I've posted my complaints, here's one that I have no complaints about. I love it because you can see the little drool bubble at her mouth. So precious! She was enjoying the swing so much. She just kind of scooted down and relaxed as I was pushing her. Pretty cute!! :)
Nice blog, and what a great way to get started and get your photos out there.
Your Avery is just precious, so how can your pictures ever be bad? :)
(I sent you an email too, but I finally got my website up and running!)
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