Yes, we did it! We took our first camping trip with the girls! If you haven't done this yet with your little ones I highly recommend it! All four of us had a BLAST! It was so fun to be together as a family and experience something new with the girls outside of our normal everyday life!
Avery couldn't wait to roast marshmallows and make S'mores! But don't be fooled, this kid eats nothing and even though she looks like she likes her treat-she didn't eat it!
Em didn't go for the S'more. She's a girl after my own heart and just went straight for the chocolate! That's my girl! <3 Yep, we even took Lady! She took a few swims in the Columbia River. It was awfully hot, we had great weather, but she loved it too! Em's been very interested in going potty like big sister lately. She tries her hardest at least once a day to go potty like a big girl, but here it turned funny! (But pretty cute!)
We took the beautiful North Cascades Highway home. We stopped and had a picnic lunch and I snapped this (terribly out of focus, funky) shot of the girls. I LOVE IT! This is them to a tee! Silly girls! We had a great time and are already planning our next camping adventure!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Posted by Jennifer at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Grammy & Papa's
A couple weeks ago, Aunty Katie, the girls and I went to visit my mom and dad. Avery and Emerson LOVE to go to Grammy and Papa's! For those two it's the "Happiest Place on Earth!" (they haven't been to Disneyland yet...) :) They play outside all day to their heart's content, go for rides in the golf cart, boat rides, harvest in Grammy's garden, run through the sprinklers... you name it! Whatever they want to do, Grammy and Papa make it happen!
Avery decided to give us all manicures and pedicures with her watercolor paints and paint a little picture on our faces. I've been trying to get Avery to have her face painted for a long time. She finally let me put a little heart on her cheek. She mani-pedis to my mom, my dad and me. Sure my mom and I would let her do it, no big deal. But my dad? I said, "Dad you wouldn't have let us (meaning my sister and I) do this to you in a million years!" And my dad's reply: "You stole the words right out of my mouth!" Hahahahaha! He was beaming as she was fixing him up! So cute! Priceless, really!
Posted by Jennifer at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Our Little Graduate!
Happy Summer everyone! Finally, right? Well, it's been a while since I've blogged, of course, but I really am trying to blog at least once a week from now on! Here's a recent picture of Avery. She graduated from her first year of Preschool this past June! We are so proud of her and she of herself as you can see! Stay tuned...lots more "playing catch-up" posts coming!!
Posted by Jennifer at 2:36 PM 0 comments